Ep. 241: Let’s Talk About Sex (Part 2)

Sex. It’s all around us, and it seems like no matter where you go, references to it are everywhere. Secular culture celebrates sex- making it casual, fun, and something that can be tossed around like a soccer ball. But what about the Biblical view of sex? Are Christians supposed to be ashamed of their sex lives? Are we even allowed to talk about it? On this week’s episode of indoubt, join us for a discussion with pastor Paul Carter as he unpacks what the biblical view of sex is, and why it really is something to be celebrated!

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Ep. 224: What is Sex?

Preston Sprinkle and Daniel talk through the question what is sex, and discuss the relationship between our sexuality and our self-expression to honour God.

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Ep. 004: Sex & God

Powered by RedCircle Love and Lust: This is the final episode of our Love & Lust series! Christian counsellor Tom Brooks talks about sexual addiction, why young people struggle, and…

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